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I’ve been seeing this word differently lately.
It has morphed into “Response-Able”.
And it’s done that thing, where now it’s everywhere and I see it and hear it all the time. . .
cause I got attuned to it in a new way.

The quote “With great freedom comes great response-ability” somehow feels less daunting to me in this new light. To consider the possibility that I am only given what I can handle. Or . . . I am only drawn to and drawing into my life what I am able to respond to ~ here & now.

It seems to take some weight off of my current response-abilities, and allows me to take the power back from feelings of overwhelm to feeling Able. Ready. Willing.

I have worked in Death-care in some way, shape or form for over 20 years. When someone is dying, the overwhelm comes in strongest. The snow globe of life gets turned upside down and you can’t see anything but all the pieces of life churned up, floating and flailing. You don’t know how or IF things will ever settle.

With death and dying, also comes great Response-Ability. Because despite the flailing and the emotional upheaval, what I’ve also witnessed, is the most insightful, authentic and sincere displays of love come through. From family members of a dying one, hospice workers, caregivers, and friends willing to come a little closer. It seems to come clear who is willing to take on the responsibility of being fully present and Able to Respond.

I was camping this weekend with some gal pals and we got a good fire going. Even s’mores happened! And I remembered how in the past, I’ve described people who do deathwork as those who are willing to come and sit by the fire.

The fire of death burns bright and needs to be tended to. If you choose to come near it, you are going to want to be ready to throw a log onto it if the flames start to dwindle. You’re going to want to break it up a bit if the flames start to grow too high. And you don’t want to turn your back on it for too long, because it’s very much alive.

And what a joy it is to be near a fire, warming your hands and feet, watching the light of the flames dance the way they do. It’s very much alive.

And what a joy it is to begin to see ourselves as Response-Able. As loving humans, conscious of our connection to everyone around us, we are truly Able to Respond to one another appropriately, tenderly, and courageously. Even in the face of death, loss and grief.